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Box Header

Box Header 2.54mm 2013 3011 3012 Series

Just like the two previously mentioned box headers, the 2.54mm option also comes with and without headers so you can choose a diverse range of functions it can work with.
Additionally, these connectors use strong materials to fortify it\'s abilities. For instance, being primarily gold plated it has a contact resistance up to 30 mΩ Max. after we consistently tested it. Look at our specification datasheets to see why you should consider using these parts when crafting your perfect product.
  • 2013

    Box Header 2.54mmX2.54mm Elevated Type

  • 3011

    Box Header 2.54mmX2.54mm with ejectors

  • 3012-xx

    Box Header 2.54mmX2.54mm

  • 3012-Axx

    Box Header 2.54mmX2.54mm


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- 온라인 상담에 대한 처리

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- 성명, 이메일, 전화번호, 핸드폰번호

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