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Box Header

Box Header 1.27mm 2216 3216 Series

Our 1.27mm Box Headers are one of the smaller sizes we have made available for people but it doesn\'t mean it\'s not as strong as its bigger cousins. Using a variety of durable materials, such as PBT, is what allows it to fight off many problems.
We tested each one and discovered they are not only great against humidity but have a 1000 MΩ Min. insulation resistance and 20 mΩ Max. initial contact resistance. In addition to this, it has a 1.0A rating current and 150V DC/AC RMS rating voltage. Download the datasheets for our 1.27mm box headers for a concise understanding of them.
  • 2216

    Box Header 1.27mmX1.27mm

  • 3216

    Box Header 1.27mmX1.27mm Straight & R/angel Type

  • 3216

    Box Header 1.27mmX1.27mm SMD type


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- 성명, 이메일, 전화번호, 핸드폰번호

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